Part 18: End

I'm not going to pretend that I'm going to be able to match crow's finale post for Killzone: Liberation. I thought about gushing over the soundtrack, providing an in-depth analysis of the bizarre worship of Helghast in certain parts of the internet, and even creating an extended Killzone 2 multiplayer video series with crow. Ultimately, these are things I've decided against doing for this LP. Working with crow to LP both of these games simultaneously was a lot of work, and while I'm happy with what we've put together, I'd do things differently in the future. I plan to continue my sabbatical from this series for a while longer, though we do plan to return and finish Killzone 3 at some point. Furthermore, with mine and crow's new console acquisitions, plans for a Killzone: Shadow Fall or Mercenary have gone from "probably not happening" to "definitely maybe happening".
Thanks for sticking around with us through three Killzone games. Killzone is great. Shakespeare is great. All of you who watched the videos and posted in the thread are great. So, again, thank you. What I'm leaving you with for this send of post is a video montage--an idea I shamelessly stole from CJacobs (thanks, buddy!).
Oh, and this, the most important thing we learned about the Killzone series over the course of this LP: